What Should You Not Eat After Getting Dental Implants?

After undergoing a dental implant procedure, it's crucial to give your mouth the proper care it needs to heal. This includes paying close attention to your diet in the days and weeks following the surgery. Dr. Brian Gurinsky, a leading periodontist and dental implant specialist in Denver and Centennial, Colorado, recommends avoiding certain types of foods to ensure your implants heal correctly and to avoid any complications. Here’s a guide to help you make the best choices for a speedy and healthy recovery.

Foods to Avoid Immediately After Dental Implant Surgery

1. Hard Foods: 

Crunchy fruits, raw vegetables, chips, and hard candies can pose a risk to new implants. They require significant chewing force which can dislodge or damage the implants.

2. Sticky Foods:

Foods like caramel, chewing gum, and other sticky candies should be avoided as they can pull at the implant, potentially causing it to move and interfere with the healing process.

3. Chewy Foods:

Bagels, licorice, and steak can strain the implant site. It's best to avoid foods that require excessive chewing to prevent any strain on your new implants.

4. Spicy Foods:

Spicy foods can irritate the implant site. Ingredients like hot peppers and spices should be avoided to prevent any discomfort and inflammation.

5. Highly Acidic Foods:

Citrus fruits, tomatoes, and sodas can aggravate your mouth’s soft tissues and slow down the healing process, so it's wise to steer clear of them immediately after your procedure.

Safe Foods to Eat After Dental Implant Surgery

While there are certain foods you should avoid, there are plenty of safe and soothing options that you can enjoy after your surgery:

1. Soft Fruits:

Bananas, peaches, and other soft fruits are easy to chew and packed with nutrients that can aid in your recovery.

2. Vegetables:

Cooked vegetables such as carrots, squash, and spinach are soft enough not to cause harm and can provide essential vitamins and minerals.

3. Dairy Products:

Yogurt, cheese, and milk are excellent calcium sources and do not require chewing, making them ideal for post-surgery nutrition.

4. Protein-Rich Foods:

Soft protein sources like eggs, fish, and tofu can help with healing and tissue regeneration without putting stress on your implants.

5. Smoothies and Soups:

Nutrient-rich smoothies and broths can be very soothing and provide essential nutrients without requiring any chewing.


Following your dental implant surgery, it's important to adhere to Dr. Gurinsky’s dietary recommendations to ensure a smooth and successful healing process. By avoiding hard, sticky, chewy, spicy, and highly acidic foods, and opting for gentler, more nourishing alternatives, you'll give your implants the best chance to integrate successfully into your jawbone.

For more detailed information on care after dental implants and other procedures, you can visit Dr. Gurinsky’s Procedures page or schedule a consultation at his Denver or Centennial offices. Remember, the first few weeks are crucial for your recovery, and proper care can lead to lasting results.

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