Like many people, you have the great phobia of the dentist and would like to avoid any contact with him. It is for this reason that you strive to maintain your teeth in the best possible way to keep beautiful, healthy teeth. But also to prevent all infectious diseases that will be the first major cause of a dentist appointment. However, an annual check is strongly recommended to check the state of oral health. It strengthens the hygiene of your teeth by removing tartar from your teeth.
What is Dental Descaling?
Dental scaling is essential to minimize any risk of gingivitis, periodontal disease, caries, and halitosis (bad breath). It involves removing the scale formation present above and below the gingiva. Dental scaling will be the result of a smooth, clean and shiny surface of your teeth.
Scaling, in the presence of subgingival calculus, should then be associated with periodontal treatment to treat the bone and gum that are still impaired in this case. A dental descaling should not be confused with a teeth whitening. It will only restore the natural color of your tooth enamel.
Causes of Tartar Formation
Tartar is the mineralization of plaque. It is located mainly at the level of the lower incisors of the teeth (tongue side). However, it can also be found on the interdental parts of the mouth and the outer surfaces of teeth, often in the case of poor oral hygiene. Tartar can have many colors, ranging from white to brown.
Warning: Contrary to what many believe, tobacco is not the cause of the appearance of tartar, but it darkens and weakens the gum (nicotine addict) by increasing the risk of periodontal disease.
Dental plaque is the accumulation of toxins (sugars, acids, and microorganisms) due to meals rich in fat and sugar. Regular brushing of the teeth allows the removal of plaque.
However, despite good dental hygiene, some areas remain difficult to reach, which will help harden and thicken the plaque. In the end, this will be the result of tartar formation. The frequency with which calculus develops varies from one person to another, depending on the method of hygiene adopted and the intensity of salivary production. Saliva is a naturally essential element against the elimination of bacteria.
What are the Solutions for Removal?
To have strong and healthy teeth, a total eviction of a tartar present is required. It is a descaling procedure. Only oral health professionals (dental surgeon, or periodontologist) will be able to practice this innocuous method in their practice and with a compliant material.
If you wish to contribute to the longevity of your teeth, it is imperative to have your teeth regularly descaled to minimize any risk of oral problems. Any negligence will take great proportions in the long run on your health.
Contact Dr. Brian Gurinsky
If you have any additional questions about descaling or would like to schedule a consultation, please don’t hesitate to contact Dr. Brian Gurinsky, our periodontist in downtown Denver & Centennial, CO!